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Go language


About Go

  • created by Google
  • It can be compiled (with libs and runtime included) - Whooho!
  • What's the Go language really good for?
  • Every Go program is made up of packages. Programs start running in package main.
  • In Go, a name is exported if it begins with a capital letter. Foo or FOO is exported, foo is not exported.
  • Finally, the convention in Go is to use MixedCaps or mixedCaps rather than underscores to write multiword names.

$GOPATH & Workspaces.
Go code must be kept inside a workspace. A workspace is a directory hierarchy with three directories at its root:

  • src contains Go source files organized into packages (one package per directory),
  • pkg contains package objects, and
  • bin contains executable commands.


  • go fmt
  • Indentation: We use tabs for indentation and gofmt emits them by default. Use spaces only if you must.
  • Line length: Go has no line length limit. Don't worry about overflowing a punched card. If a line feels too long, wrap it and indent with an extra tab.
  • Parentheses: Go needs fewer parentheses than C and Java: control structures (if, for, switch) do not have parentheses in their syntax. Also, the operator precedence hierarchy is shorter and clearer.

Compilation example:

mkdir -p work/bin work/src work/pkg
$ export GOPATH=$HOME/work
$ cat << EOF >> $GOPATH/src/hello.go
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    fmt.Printf("hello, world\n")
# Then compile it with the go tool:
$ export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin
$ go install $GOPATH/src/hello.go
$ $GOPATH/bin/hello
hello, world

Ps: Use 'go build' instead of 'go install' or even 'go run "path/hello.go"'.


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Page last modified on September 06, 2019, at 02:41 AM